24 Jun 2022 06:27 PM

Heavy rains this week have sparked worries about landslides and accidents across the state. Last week, locals had raised concern about an uncovered hill running along the Cortalim-Margao highway which was showing signs of a possible landslide.

 Earlier today, a major landslide was reported from the Verna-Cortalim link road, which left traffic stalled for several hours while clearance work was underway. No injuries were reported from the incident.

 While local’s main concern was poorly planned retaining walls and other precautionary measures to block possible landslides, the incident reported today occurred despite the presence of all such measures.

Heavy rains brought down a huge chunk of the hill crashing onto the road despite the presence of a retaining wall and protective net indicating to poor engineering of the civic amenities here. Here are visuals from the incident. 

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