CURCA GRAM SABHA: P’yat Backs Locals in Opposing Marina Project at Nauxim

19 Nov 2023 06:35 PM

The Curca Panchayat held its Gram Sabha today. However, it wasn’t held at the panchayat hall but instead in the village of Nauxi – the village where the Marina Project has been proposed. The change was made to bolster their opposition to the project, which they say will adversely affect the locals.

The Marina Project has been proposed near the quaint village of Nauxim. Locals, backed by the panchayat, however, have vehemently opposed the project along with a few other groups. Here’s what the Sarpanch of Curca, Leena Naik, had to say about the gram sabha.

Members laid out elaborate reasons for opposing the project. From affecting the local flora and fauna to putting an axe on the livelihood of locals who rely on fishing for their sustenance, members voiced their concerns. 

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