Record: 1 publication, 3 book releases on 3 consecutive days; what is it?

11 Jan 2018 03:52 PM

Sanjana Publications has created a record in Goa. It has released three Konkani books on three consecutive days. On 7th, 8th and 9th January.

 Does this mean the reader of Konkani books is rising day by day? And what kind of books? Fiction or non-fiction? Watch this special report.

Sanjana Publications released three books – a book on Street Play on 7th of January, the first novel of Datta Damodar Naik on 8th January and 9th novel of veteran novelist Mahabaleshwar Sail on 9th of January.

This has happened for the first time in Goa’s history of book publications. Does this mean number of Konkani books is rising?

Konkani all these years concentrated only on fiction literature. The non-fiction literature is a recent trend. Is that the reason there are more books in Konkani?

The writers are crying that young generation doesn’t read. But what is the actual response at the ground level? What does the younger generation reads and likes to read?

Desk: | Camera: Shyam Chari | Editing: Bhakti Pai Balgi

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