Lucky 7 moving at snail’s pace

22 Sep 2017 04:39 PM

Attempts to remove the Lucky 7 vessel which is grounded for more than two months proceeded at a slow pace on Friday morning.

Three tug boats and over a dozen technicians were able to move the damaged vessel only a few meters. 

Over a dozen technicians and three tug boats tried to remove the Lucky 7 vessel off the Miramar shore late Friday morning.

Efforts were unsuccessful especially as the bottom of the hull is filled with water due to the damage at the base as well as a low tide.

Work is  but for now the vessel has moved only a few meters. The vessel has to be anchored at Aguada bay by the next court hearing on Septemebr 27. 

Desk: Glenn Costa | Camera: Shyam Chari | Editing:

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